Core Foundations - Lesson 11

W11 Core

    Followers of Jesus are exhorted to read and study the Scriptures for the purpose of guidance, understanding, revelation, correction, instruction, and more. We honor the Scripture and find life through the study of Scripture in relationship to Jesus. John 1:1-2

    Jesus is the embodiment of the Word!

    1. God’s people are encouraged to “study to show themselves approved unto God.” 2 Timothy 2:15

    2. All Scripture is given by God for His disciples to be inspired, encouraged, equipped, corrected, and guided in their lives. Through studying Scripture, we find our identity in Christ. Also, we learn how we ought to conduct our lives as we learn more about Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:14-17

    3. The early Church is commended for studying the Scripture. Acts 17:11

  2. MEDITATION To meditate is "to weigh in the mind" or reflect upon something.

    Biblical meditation is an act of pondering or contemplation. This is more than simply reading or studying the Bible. Reading and study are important and enable us to meditate properly. Through reading and study, we are able to understand the original meaning of a verse or phrase in its context. The Hebrew words for meditation carry the meanings of whispering, murmuring, and rehearsing. It is used both in silence and vocalization. Biblical meditation is distinct from other forms of meditation. The goal is not to empty one’s mind, but to fill the mind with God’s Word with the help of the Holy Spirit.

    1. The Old Testament is filled with admonitions to meditate on God’s Word. Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 19:14, 119:15, Psalm 104:34

    2. The New Testament continues this encouragement. Philippians 4:8, 1 Timothy 4:15, 2 Timothy 2:7

    3. The blessings of meditation:

      • It brings great profit 1 Timothy 4:11-16

      • It brings success and prosperity Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3

      • It makes one wiser than their enemies Psalm 119:97-98

      • It fills one with joy Psalm 16:11

    • It gives victory over sin Psalm 119:9-11

    • It gives success in the soul James 1:21

    • It gives answer for the asking John 15:7

    • It enables you to live by the Word Colossians 3:16


    A two-way relationship!! You talk to God and He talks back.

    Prayer is spiritual communication between man and God. Prayer to God is like a conversation between a child and their father. Naturally, a child will ask for help, advice, provision, and the things he or she wants. Throughout Scripture, there are numerous encouragements to pray and commune with God.

    1. God’s children (disciples) can call upon Him and expect to be answered and helped in times of trouble or need. Psalm 91:15

    2. God already knows the help that His followers need, but this does not negate the necessity to pray and ask. Isaiah 65:24

    3. We should expect answers from God as we diligently seek Him and His will. Matthew 7:7

    4. We ought to pray for those who already follow Jesus, as well as those who persecute. 1 Timothy 2:1, Matthew 5:44

    5. We are given instruction to pray and how to pray directly from Jesus. Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4

      • Address God’s rightful place as the Father

      • Worship and praise God for who He is and all that He has done

      • Acknowledge God’s will and plan for our lives

      • Ask God for provision

      • Confess sin and repent

      • Request protection and help in overcoming sin and Satan

  4. FASTING The purpose of fasting is to focus on our relationship with Jesus!

    Fasting is commonly and historically understood as going without food for a set period of time for spiritual purposes. Today, many people have recognized fasting to have a broader scope. This includes not just the abstaining of food, but denying or depriving oneself of anything that may be a luxury, an addiction, or a convenience for aset period of time.

    1. The Old Testament word for fast means to “cover the mouth.” The New Testament word means “to not eat.” Throughout Scripture, fasting is primarily focused on abstaining from food.

    2. Many of the heroes in Scripture practiced fasting periodically in their lives and ministry, including Moses, David, Daniel, Elijah, Jesus, the Apostles, and early Christians.

    3. Followers of Jesus are expected to fast. Jesus gave a clear instruction or clarification on how to look and act when fasting.

      Matthew 6:16-18

    4. Prayer and fasting are often a prerequisite for seeing people set free and delivered from demonic strongholds or possession.

      Matthew 17:14-21

    5. Fasting is not done because we are spiritual, but because we endeavor to draw closer to God, put away the flesh, and even gain supernatural wisdom and insight. Daniel 1:8, 9:3, Acts 14:23

    6. Fasting heightens our sensitivity to personal and corporate sin.

      1 Samuel 7:6, Nehemiah 9:1-2

  5. SIMPLICITY «Don't fall into the trap of trusting financial resources.

    Our trust and faith should not be in money, but in the Lord alone. Beyond finances, a simple and uncluttered life is to be preferred over one so full of activity and possessions. Many people become so encumbered and entangled with complex and busy lives that their worship and living for God is tragically hindered or forsaken.

    1. Confusion is not from God; instead He gives us peace.

      1 Corinthians 14:33

    2. A clean and simple conscience of behavior and lifestyle is to be preferred and desired. 2 Corinthians 1:12


    Done correctly, this will refresh your soul more than just separation from people.

    Scriptural solitude is the biblical practice of temporarily withdrawing to privacy for a time with the Lord. The period of solitude may last only a few minutes or for days. Solitude is often sought in order to engage in other spiritual disciplines without distractions.

    • Jesus pursued times of solitude. The gospel accounts tell us Jesus often got alone, not just for rest, but that He might spend time in communion with His heavenly Father. Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35, Luke 4:42

    • Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, and He was alone there for 40 days, except for when the devil came to tempt Him. Matthew 4:1-11. «Jesus and solitude.

    • Jesus not only modeled prayer in solitude, He instructed us to do the same in what He called the “secret place.” Matthew 6:6


    To be a disciple of Christ, one’s lifestyle must be built upon submission, both to God and to His will for our lives. James makes it clear when he tells us to submit to God and resist the devil. James 4:7

    1. Believers also ought to be submitted to governmental authority, as long as it does not contradict Scripture. Romans 13:1, 1 Peter 2:13-14, Acts 5:29

    2. Believers also should be submitted to spiritual leadership and authority. Hebrews 13:17

    3. Submission to God keeps us humble and teachable. 1 Peter 5:5

  8. SUBMISSION Don't avoid it, EMBRACE IT!

    Service often is thought of as a lowly position and one to be avoided. In some cultures, those who serve are considered poor and even untouchable. Jesus humbled Himself throughout His life on earth to powerfully exemplify a life of service; through this we have learned that service is a milestone on the path to leadership.

    1. Our service to other people is a critical indicator of a life in submission to Christ. Jesus taught that love, service, and care for others will impact our eternal destiny. Matthew 25:31-46

    2. The necessity of service in our Christian walk is championed over and over. Additionally, a lifestyle of servanthood compliments, empowers, and enforces our faith in Christ. James 2:26

    3. Paul explains that we are His workmanship, created to do good works. Ephesians 2:10

    4. To become great in God’s Kingdom, we ought to strive to be the servant of all! Matthew 20:26-28


    If we do not confess our sins, we cannot have a relationship with God.

    Our walk with Jesus began with confession and faith, which are part of what we understand as salvation. Confession is not to be interpreted as a ritual or religious duty as in confessing to a priest. Instead, confession of sin should be made to the Father through Jesus Christ.

    1. Confession to the Father through Jesus should be an integral part of our regular prayer. God is faithful and just to forgive our sins. 1 John 1:9

    2. Confession is a healthy practice when shared with trusted believers for support, prayer, and accountability. James 5:16

    3. Confession of our faith to others confirms and declares the work of Jesus in our lives. Acts 19:18

    4. Confession when you have sinned against someone else is vital in the process of forgiveness and restoration of relationship. Matthew 6:12, Matthew 5:22-24

  10. WORSHIP Worship is a lifestyle, not just an action.

    Scripture is clear that we are to be faithful to worship the Lord. Our worship is to be done both corporately, in a church, and also privately. Our life, work, and activities should all be done as worship to God and bring glory to Him. Worship is more than just song, dance, and prayer, but it entails the various acts and demonstrations that accompany the idea of worship.

    1. We are to worship the Lord in spirit and truth. Therefore, in our mind, will, and emotion along with our spiritual being we are to worship and honor the Lord. John 4:21-24

    2. We are to be respectful and honorable in our worship to the Lord. Things should be done in order and with regard to Scripture and Biblical precedence. Hebrews 12:28-29

    3. As believers, our bodies are to be presented to the Lord as worship. This gives us clear indication that we ought to take care of our mortal bodies in honor of the Lord. Romans 12:1-2

  11. GUIDANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY We were made for relationship!!

    Scripture has many examples of men and woman seeking guidance both from God and also those whom today we would call mentors or coaches. In Acts, we see the Church seeking and yielding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Walking out your faith alone or without guidance can be very challenging. The Bible reinforces the need for relationship, guidance, and accountability.

    1. Timothy had a fantastic mentor and guide in the Apostle Paul. Through their relationship, Timothy was encouraged and held accountable. 2 Timothy 1:13, 2:2, 3:17

    2. Believers ought to encourage and sharpen one another. Proverbs 27:17, 1 Thessalonians 5:11

    3. Our greatest guide and teacher is the Holy Spirit, who is given to us from Jesus. John 14:26, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, Isaiah 30:21

    4. If we are lacking guidance, we should ask God for help and direction, for He will give generously to us. James 1:5

  12. CELEBRATION Christians be full of JOY even when they don't feel HAPPY.

    A life surrendered and disciplined unto God ought to be filled with joy. Spiritual disciplines are not a form of legalism, but they are an expression of love and loyalty. What a joy it is to have an intimate life-giving relationship with God! Those who draw close to God will be rewarded with God drawing close to them. This gives reason for celebration, joy, and contentment.

    1. The most notable moment of celebration is when God came into the world in the form of a baby, Jesus. The angel declared, “I bring good news of great joy,” Luke 2:10

    2. The believer’s life should be clearly marked as different from the world, and fruitful for the Lord. Fruitfulness is always accompanied by and distinctly filled with joy. Galatians 5:22

    3. In Nehemiah, the Psalms, and many other scriptures we find that our strength is rooted in the joy of the Lord. Nehemiah 8:10, John 15:11, Romans 14:17

    4. We are encouraged to ask Jesus for our needs to be met and our joy to be filled. John 16:24