Core Foundations - Lesson 12

W12 Core

Every believer wants to communicate with and hear from God. We must learn to listen for God’s voice and direction as it sometimes comes in a variety of ways. Jesus explains in John 10:3-4, 27, that His people will know His voice and will follow Him. God does not often speak in an audible voice or through some magnificent display of supernatural power. Typically, the Lord will speak in our quiet times, through circumstances, or through His Holy Spirit. Our success and growth in the Christian life are determined by how well we hear the voice of the Lord and obey Him.


    1. Through the Word of God, the Scriptures. With a disciplined lifestyle of reading and study of Scriptures, it becomes easier to understand God’s character and also recognize His voice.

      Hebrews 4:12

    2. The still small voice of God that comes in a whisper is often heard in our quiet times of prayer, meditation, reflection. However, God can still speak or nudge you with His gentle voice in the midst of chaos. 1 Kings 19:11-13

    3. Dreams, visions, and mental snapshots are ways that God communicates to His people. Sometimes this happens when they are having difficulty hearing in other ways. When we are sleeping or resting, we are most vulnerable and also the most open to receive from God this supernatural form of communication. Genesis 37-50,

      Matthew 2-3

    4. Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit such as prophecy, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, and others. 1 Corinthians 12:1-11,

      Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:11-13

    5. Through Sabbath rest, abiding in Him, and resting in Him. When we are exhausted or distracted by life, we have great difficulty in listening to God. Matthew 11:28-30, Hebrews 4:1-11

    6. Meditation on God’s Word will often bring Holy Spirit illumination on things the Lord wants to speak to us. Additionally, the regular practice of meditating on Scripture will renew our minds so that we are able to hear and discern God’s voice. 2 Timothy 2:7

    7. Sometimes God will speak to believers through the good counsel of others.

      Exodus 18:17-27, Proverbs 15:22

    8. God also can speak to His people through circumstances. Proverbs 16:9, Jeremiah 29:11-13

      When listening for God’s voice and direction, it is best to receive confirmation in several or many of the ways listed above before making a decision. Often the Lord will use a few different channels of communication to guide His people. Sometimes there is a great challenge that could make us a bit anxious, but the anxiousness is in anticipation and not fear. Be sure that when making “leap of faith” decisions, there is accompanying faith and peace.

      God speaks, and through His voice we have peace.


    1. One of the greatest hindrances to hearing God is not knowing or believing that God still speaks to His people. John 10:3-4,27

    2. People who are absent from God’s presence in prayer and reading of the Word are easily deceived. Also, these people are unfamiliar with God’s love, voice, and His character.

    3. Listening to the advice and counsel from the world or even from well-intentioned people (believers and non-believers alike) that is not congruent with Scripture will lead you astray.

    4. An unrepentant person who is living in unforgiveness, brokenness, and sin will have great difficulty in hearing and obeying God.

    5. Listening to the comfort, convenience, and desires of the flesh on a regular basis will drown out the voice of the Lord.


    Not everything we hear is from God!

    1. We must test or discern what voices are speaking to us. Some unscrupulous advice comes from evil people or even demonic spirits that wish to deceive us. 1 John 4:1, Hosea 14:9

    2. Being filled with the Holy Spirit gives the Christian discernment that is not available in the flesh or human understanding.

      1 Corinthians 2:14

    3. Praising, worshipping, and praying in your spiritual prayer language will align your spirit to His.

    4. Learning to discern requires attention and focus. Discernment

      based on the Holy Spirit and not by worldly appearances is what

      the believer should strive for. John 7:24, Hebrews 5:14

    5. Discernment comes to those who seek true relationship with God. Casual relationships do not foster intimacy and discernment.

      Jeremiah 29:13

    6. Familiar spirits (demonic spirits) seek to deceive and manipulate Christians.

      • The term “familiar spirit” is used in Scripture to reference demons. It is from the Latin familiaris, meaning a "household servant," intended to express the idea that sorcerers or mediums had spirits as their servants ready to obey their commands. Deuteronomy 18:11, 2 Kings 21:6, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Leviticus 19:31, 20:6; Isaiah 8:19, 29:4, Acts 16:16

      • These demonic spirits are at work to destroy the body of Christ, even when they are not summoned by sorcerers, mediums, or psychics.

      • Familiar spirits are demons that have no place in the life of a Christian. We are to walk and war in the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 6:12


    1. Our prerogative is to be doers of the word and not hearers only.

      James 1:22-25

    2. As the believer tunes their spiritual ears to the voice of the Good Shepherd, it becomes easier and easier to know when He is speaking.

    3. The Lord will sometimes speak in new or unfamiliar ways to you in different times and seasons of your life. Sometimes, this is done so that you stay focused on an intimate relationship with Him and being sensitive and discerning to what He is saying. If God’s voice was able to be discerned with a special formula and without constant sensitivity, we would have no need to continue to seek Him.

    4. If God is speaking to you, it will surely stand the test of time and will be confirmed through His Word. Thank the Lord for speaking to you in new and different ways as you grow in faith!


In an effort to practice hearing God’s voice, we encourage you to engage in an activation exercise. To best set the atmosphere for prayer and meditation, it might be useful to begin with a worship playlist. As you listen to the music, ask the Holy Spirit to minister to you. Begin to pray whatever He puts on your heart.

Additionally, we recommend that you journal through this experience. Not only is journaling an excellent spiritual discipline overall, but in this instance it also gives you the ability to learn, reflect, and document what the Lord is speaking to you. Writing has the power to help you see the beauty of God at work in your life experiences. When you express your thoughts and feelings in a journal, you’ll be surprised by how much you discover about God in the process—and God will use your journal as a tool to transform you.

Journaling will help you pay attention to God. It will also help you put emotions and feelings into words, and then to pray over them. As you write, your mind and spirit will become more focused upon the Holy Spirit and how He is directing you. You will begin to internalize God’s Word and apply it to your life.

Write what you hear God is speaking to you. This can come from thoughts or feelings that He is giving you. You should also check these things and compare them with Scripture to validate their authenticity.

There is no right or wrong way to journal! Often when you first begin journaling there will be more of your thoughts than God’s. However, as you spend more time in Scripture, worship, and meditation you will find that your ear becomes more tuned in to what God is saying.

Be sure to confront your doubts and fears in journaling. You will see God empower you with His confidence, faith, and victory!